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Firearms and Self-Defense Training/
Instructor Training

Basics of Pistol Shooting, Marksmanship, and Safety

Close Quarters Contact Shooting

Empty Hand Self-Defense for Groups

Night Shooting
Emmaus Defense, LLC
Mission Statement:
Safety through training by teaching the skills, attitude, and mindset to responsibly, ethically, morally, and legally, protect self and others while exercising the constitutional right to keep and bear arms.
What our students
are saying
Emmaus Defense!

Modern Woman Warrior
Created by Women For Women
Hey ladies! Emmaus Defense has a sister company that is designed and created BY WOMEN, FOR WOMEN and is centered on all things personal protection and self-defense. We are a YouTube Channel for women.
We post weekly on our social media. Head over to our website, Subscribe to our channel, and visit us on social media!

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